
Teachers' Voices

1. Learn and remember vocabulary with the songs and chants from WELCOME to Learning World BLUE!

I am using WELCOME to Learning World BLUE with a class of elementary school first and second graders. At the beginning, I think the second graders were too shy to sing, so I rearranged the songs and used them in a variety of activities. But after a little over two months, the students lost their shyness and enjoy singing the songs! The CD has basic vocabulary and language input set to songs and chants, and the students are happy to listen to them over and over again.

I think the fun songs on the CD have opened up the children’s hearts.

In the spring, I will start using Learning World 1 with them. Because I have heard that the activities are very fun for practicing English, I intend to use ‘Activity Sheets 90’ with the class.

(A-sensei, Saitama)

笆イ I used this chant (One Blue Rectangle) in my trial lessons!

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