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An indispensable book for teachers of Japanese language and culture to explain Japanese life and promote cross-cultural communication, SHIKITARI is a bilingual book on Japanese traditions and customs.
- Q & A
- Helpful illustrations
- 33 questions most frequently asked by foreigners
The word “SHIKITARI” literally means what we have “come to do”; that is, time-honored Japanese practices and traditions.
SHIKITARI deals with social life, clothing, eating and housing in daily life. Non-Japanese my have difficulities in understanging SHIKITARI due to such Japanese concepts as “The group takes priority over individuals (kojin yori soshiki yusen)”, “inner/outer circle (uchi/soto),” and “vertical social relations (joge kankei)”.
To begin with, questionnaires were sent out to those who once lived or are now living in Japan and to those who are interested in Japanese culture, in order to undestand what they want to know about Japan. One hundred fifty people from twenty-seven different countries responded, which was more than we had expected. Many of their questions, comments and complaints concerning Japanese SHIKITARI and behavioral patterns, are included in the Q/A sections.
This book is written in easy Japanese and English.
■ Author: 国際日本語研究所
- Size: A5 / 220 pages