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How to use the front: Name Card / Progress Report
Write the names of the students on the cards. Before they come to class you can put the card at a particular seat where you want them to sit. Students then have to find their name and sit where their name card is.
The Progress Report on the bottom includes the left-hand page numbers of the Student Book. Have students practice the dialogues/chants/songs on these pages. Once they can do them well, let them color in the circle or cover it with a sticker. A great way to show them their achievements!
How to use the back: Challenge Chart
Use this during the “chat time” of the lesson. This is when you ask the students review questions and see if they can answer.
Write the date on the line to the left.
Have students color in or put a sticker on the smiley face for questions answered. You can have them color one per question answered or one per sentence, so if they give a longer answer with multiple sentences they can fill in more circles.
Have them compete with themselves. Could they fill in more than the week before?
The Progress Sheet is found in the back of the Student Book for Learning World 1, 2, 3.
Please use these Progress Sheets for students studying READY and Tomorrow.