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Useful activity tool for teaching『READY for Learning World 』!!
■ Author: Mikiko Nakamoto
- 55 sheet (55x A4) / color
No.35 Characters
No.36 Hello Song (12 Flags)
No.37 A Big Red Book
No.38 How Many Tomatoes Do You Have?
No.39 Yes, please. No, thank you.
NEW!No.43 READY Dialogue Cards
No.35-39 and 43 are also available as COLOR KYOGU per activity. (No set discount apply)
For teachers:
If you are already using COLOR KYOGU, please purchase『READY Dialogue Cards (No.43 )』only. This set product has a discount compared from buying each item separately – recommended for new users of READY. We also have READY Teacher’s pack.
Learning World Series
Learning World Student CD is now in an app♪more info