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After receiving more orders than expected, a redesigned version was launched! It’s the best contact list you’ve ever seen! The only way to get your homework done!
★Redesigned version, launched 17 April 2023!
These homework cards were created by a teacher in the education field who has been using Learning World for a long time.
If students have been learning English for more than four years, their daily listening time at home has a bigger impact on the difference in their ability to learn English than the length of their study. Please use these cards for listening & practicing at home.
The 40-pack comes with a 4-Stages Poster for Listening Homework!
It will be used for a year-long period of time, so it should be made of solid cardboard!
■Homework Card A4 size, thick paper, double-sided printing, 40 sheets
■1 poster, A2 size (42 x 59.4 cm).
*Front/back covers 24 weeks of the year. Two copies are used per student per year.
This set provides annual checks for 20 students.
▼Homework Card Front side:
▼Homework Card Back side:
▼Poster Large size 42×59.4cm 4Stages Poster for Listening Homework
Please post it in your classroom for your own use.
★About the poster (from the seminar on 31 Jan 2021)
★About the Homework Card (from the seminar on 31 Jan 2021).
★About the poster Part 2 (from the seminar on 21 February 2021)
*The ‘trial set’ in the video is no longer available from 9 May 2021.
Two types of cards are currently available: Homework Card (40 cards) (with poster) and Homework Card for additional purchases (20 cards).