- ▼ Coursebooks
- ▼ Textbooks
- ▼ Picture Books
- ▼ Big Books
- ▼ Songs & Chants
- ▼ Alphabet/Phonics
- ▼ Vocabulary/Grammar
- ▼ Software for Making Materials
- ▼ Readers
- ▼ Dictionaries
- ▼ Teaching Aids
- ▼ Puzzles
- ▼ DVDs
- ▼ Cards/Card Stock
- ▼ Lesson Plans
- ▼ Stickers & Stamps
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- ▼ Application

Newly-designed payment envelopes go perfectly with the popular Learning World series!
This monthly fee envelope is printed on heavy paper so it will last for the whole year!
The front has enough space to use stickers or stamps to indicate that the monthly fee has been paid.
*Oct 1, 2023 price revision: ISBN also changed. Click here for details.
■ Front: Name / Class / Phone spaces are simple and easy to use!
■ Back: Date / Contents / Price / Receipt spaces make it possible to use the payment envelope for all kinds of incidental payments: for example, summer programs, special lessons, textbook fees, etc.