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In this story kids ask various animals, “What Can You Do?”
“Hi, Bird. What can you do?” Snake? Octopus? Bat? What can they do? This is a fun book for practicing using “can” in sentences to show ability.
Recommended for elementary school students who have studied English for at least a year.
■ Author: Mikiko Nakamoto
- Size: slightly off A4 / 32 pages / full color / supplementary activity pages
- With CD: English and Japanese narration, theme song “What Can You Do?”, supplementary chant “With My Eyes”
- Theme: show the strengths of different animals and think about the strengths of humans
- Language: phrases using the helping verb “can”
- Main vocabulary & expressions: What can you do? I can fly in the sky. I can walk, too. And… I can dive into water.
After reading the book, please use the accompanying workbook. Language used in the picture book is reinforced in the workbook.