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All of the flash cards to go with READY for Learning World! Photocopiable vocabulary sheets provide extra practice. Also, you can only get the popular 9 “Scene Posters” with this set!
■ Author: Mikiko Nakamoto
- Set includes: 231 A4-size cards / 9 A1-size scene posters / 9 A4-size vocabulary sheets
- Card size: 21 x 29.7 cm (A4)
Poster size: 59.4 x 84 cm (A1: size of a newspaper spread)
※Audio for the Vocabulary Card words can be found in two places: READY for Learning World Teacher’s Manual w/attached audio CD and on the READY for Learning World Class CD.
Ideas for using the posters, cards, and word sheets for practice:
1. While listening to the CD, have students look at the poster and try to find the words.
2. Show the pictures and say the words ・ Show the written words and say the words ・ Show the students the words and have them write them in a notebook ・ Use the word sheets for a vocabulary test