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Set includes the books and audio CDs for Volumes 1 & 2, with a NEW DVD, and the NEW abcd poster.
From January 2016, the new set is available. The quality of the DVD has been enhanced, making it easier to use. It also now comes with an abcd poster.
Children can have fun with this 2-book DVD special set!
[abcd Chants] is the most popular book in the Picture Books by Songs & Chants series!
★★ The new [Picture Books by Chants 1 & 2 DVD Set] available from January 2016, comes with a new item: the abcd Poster! The poster is A2-size, and perfect for singing the song “Big A, Little a”.
- Picture Book by Chants 1 [abcd Chants] (with audio CD)
- Picture Book by Chants 2 [Whose Shirt?] (with audio CD)
- DVD(1 DVD with both books)
- abcd Poster ♪
◆ Check out more of the Picture Books by Songs & Chants videos on the [Video Corner ♪] page!