

    Learn-Abouts Level 3 Social Studies
    • Picture Books
    • CDs
    Product Code:130031

    Price 2,145JPY

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    4 books & CD set: Road Signs, We Went on Holidays and others

Books with simple sentences to help students consolidate language and acquire new vocabulary!
Real photos are interesting to students and increase their motivation!
Pack contains 4 books, audio CD, and sticker with book title & CD track numbers.

◆Social Studies 3-1  Road Sign  

Word Count: 72
Dictionary Words: bends, dead end, no parking, one way, speed limit, stop
Key Sentences: Look at this road sign. It tells drivers to stop. (how fast to go/…)

◆Social Studies 3-2  We Went on Holiday  

Word Count: 63
Dictionary Words: bike ride, fishing, hiking, party, shopping, swimming
Key Sentences: We went on holiday. We went fishing off the rocks. (hiking in the bush)

◆Social Studies 3-3  Where Animals Live  

Word Count: 71
Dictionary Words: alpaca, Cape buffalo, emus, kangaroo, rattlesnake, zebaras
Key Sentences: Look at the zebras. (kangaroo/ emu/ …)
The have stripes. They live in Africa.

◆Social Studies 3-4  Working at the Supermarket  

Dictionary Words: bakery, car park, checkout, deli, fruit and vegetables, department, meat department
Word Count: 70
Key Sentences: This (man/woman) is in/at bakery.
He/She is putting bread in the oven.

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