◆Social Studies 3-1  Road Sign  
Word Count: 72
Dictionary Words: bends, dead end, no parking, one way, speed limit, stop
Key Sentences: Look at this road sign. It tells drivers to stop. (how fast to go/…)
◆Social Studies 3-2  We Went on Holiday  
Word Count: 63
Dictionary Words: bike ride, fishing, hiking, party, shopping, swimming
Key Sentences: We went on holiday. We went fishing off the rocks. (hiking in the bush)
◆Social Studies 3-3  Where Animals Live  
Word Count: 71
Dictionary Words: alpaca, Cape buffalo, emus, kangaroo, rattlesnake, zebaras
Key Sentences: Look at the zebras. (kangaroo/ emu/ …)
The have stripes. They live in Africa.
◆Social Studies 3-4  Working at the Supermarket  
Dictionary Words: bakery, car park, checkout, deli, fruit and vegetables, department, meat department
Word Count: 70
Key Sentences: This (man/woman) is in/at bakery.
He/She is putting bread in the oven.