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Learning World 5 TOMORROW Teacher’s CDs.
All the audio you need to teach TOMORROW!
Disc 1: Units 1-6
Disc 2: Units 7-10
We listened to your feedback…
Each Unit Listening Test is after the audio for the rest of the unit.
* Based on feedback that the Listening Tests for Books 1,2,3 were too easy, the audio is recorded at a natural speed and includes 30 minutes of audio.
Class CDs include all of the audio needed to teach TOMORROW.
Student CD audio PLUS:
・ Grammar Point audio (from Unit 5-3)
・ All stories (3) with pauses
・ All dialogues (6) with A part only and B part only (for practice)
・ Supplement: irregular verbs (100) said to a rhythm
・ Listening Test audio (at the end of each unit, not grouped together)
・ More challenging rhythm (with and without words) for verbs (pages 25 & 27)
※ The Teacher’s CDs are also available as part of the Learning World 5 TOMORROW (2nd) Teacher’s Materials Set.