- ▼ Coursebooks
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- ▼ Picture Books
- ▼ Big Books
- ▼ Songs & Chants
- ▼ Alphabet/Phonics
- ▼ Vocabulary/Grammar
- ▼ Software for Making Materials
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- ▼ Dictionaries
- ▼ Teaching Aids
- ▼ Puzzles
- ▼ DVDs
- ▼ Cards/Card Stock
- ▼ Lesson Plans
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- ▼ Books on English Education
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- ▼ Application

Perfect for just trying out the series and checking the level!
Levels 28~30: aimed at high school
From books a-e, which ones will you have the luck to get!?
For example, if you get ‘c’ books, your sample pack will look like the picture above…
■ Published by Macmillan Education Australia (Primary Publisher of the Year 2007-2014).
・Includes 1 book each from levels 28-30 and a sample CD with audio for 2 of the books!
・Book size: 19 cm × 15.5 cm
【Sample pack good points ♪】
◆ You can buy a ‘sample’ to check the difference in the levels and sentence structure!
◆ Audio for 2 of the books is included!
(Audio for Level 28 and Level 30 is included ♪ *No sample audio for Level 29)
This product is only available through e-APRICOT! Click here to go to the e-APRICOT store.
【Information】This sample pack is a limited edition e-APRICOT product.
This is a special sample of Macmillan Australia’s new 30-level reading series, produced by APRICOT Publishing, so that you can try out a few levels in the series and get a feel for it. Please be aware that this product is not available through bookstores or distributors.