

    Springboard Level 13
    • Picture Books
    Product Code:110103

    Price 2,200JPY

    8-book pack: Peter's Treasure Hunt and others. Lines per page: 5-10

From Macmillan Education Australia, the PRIMARY PUBLISHER OF THE YEAR 3 years in a row, comes this fantastic literacy program: Springboard. It is designed for children who are considered “at risk” for reading. In order to engage children who may not like to read, the content is varied and interesting, and the language starts very simple, gradually getting harder.

Sold in level packs, each level pack has 8 books: 3 factual and 5 fiction.

■ Published by: Macmillan Australia

  • 8 book set (a~h) / size: 19 x 15.5 cm / Full color
  • Pages per book: 16 pages
  • Words per book: about 285 words
  • Sentences per page: 7 sentences
◆13-a  Maggie Magpie’s Pie  

What sort of things will Maggie Magpie put in her pie?

Word Count: 288
Text type: Narrative – fantasy

◆13-b  Wendy Worm’s Adventure  

Wendy Worm gets swept away by the wind – what an adventure!

Word Count: 286
Text type: Narrative- fantasy

◆13-c  Peter’s Treasure Hunt  

Peter makes an exciting game to play with his mother.

Word Count: 280
Text type: Literary recount – realistic fiction

◆13-d  Fur  

Read about different types of animals that have fur.

Word Count: 287
Text type: Factual description

◆13-e  The Clowns With Frowns Parade  

Bronto and Beaver try to figure out why the clowns are so very sad?

Word Count: 291
Text type: Literary recount

◆13-f  Alligators to Zebras  

Find out about some of the wild animals that you can find in zoos.

Word Count: 273
Text type: Information report

◆13-g  Grizzly Bear Finds a Friend  

Grizzly Bear travels the world to find a friend – where will he find one.

Word Count: 286
Text type: Narrative – fantasy

◆13-h  Australian State Plants  

Do you know the plant that represents your State?
Waratah/ Tasmanian Blue Gum/ Bluebell/ Cooktown Orchid/ Sturt’s Desert Pea/ Pink Heath/ Sturt’s Desert Rose/ Kangaroo Paw

Word Count: 292
Text Type: Information report


FREE Teaching Guides

ou can download free teaching guides for the books. They include reduced-size pages from each book along with detailed instructions for using each book with a class.
The teaching guides also contain 2 worksheets per book! After reading the book, have the students do the fun worksheets which check comprehension and give reading/writing practice.

>>Downloadable Teaching Guides

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