- ▼ Coursebooks
- ▼ Textbooks
- ▼ Picture Books
- ▼ Big Books
- ▼ Songs & Chants
- ▼ Alphabet/Phonics
- ▼ Vocabulary/Grammar
- ▼ Software for Making Materials
- ▼ Readers
- ▼ Dictionaries
- ▼ Teaching Aids
- ▼ Puzzles
- ▼ DVDs
- ▼ Cards/Card Stock
- ▼ Lesson Plans
- ▼ Stickers & Stamps
- ▼ Classroom Items
- ▼ Books on English Education
- ▼ Japanese
- ▼ Babies/Toddlers/Preschool
- ▼ Application

Includes all the general classroom items you need for any new class!
Set of the classroom items from the “How to Use Learning World Series” guide.
This 1 set can be used with any Learning World book. Perfect for new classes!
Items in this set include a renewed pre-inked version of the popular Listening Homework Stamp to improve students listening comprehension and pronunciation, Award Stickers to use with the stamp, Learning World Payment Envelopes, Magnet Sheets for sticking Kyogu Activity Sheets on a whiteboard, and A4 Files to organize them. The 13 must-have items in this kit will make your lesson preparation and follow-up much easier and faster.
This set is great not just for teachers using Learning World for the first time, but also for teachers who have been using Learning World. Perfect for teachers using a new level of Learning World!!
Classroom Items: 13 Items
1.【NEW】 「 保護者の手紙& これだけできるようにがんばろう」Booklet *Not sold separately
Letter to parents/guardians, and explanation of what students will be able to do.
2.【NEW】Learning World Payment Envelopes (10 envelopes) *More information
3. Attendance Card (10 sheets) *More information
4. Report Card (10 sheets) *More information
5.【NEW】 Listening Homework Stamp (pre-inked) *More information
6. Gold Award Stickers (240 stickers) *More information
7. Blue Award Stickers (240 stickers) *More information
8. Mini Stickers (96 stickers × 4 colors) *More information
9. Notebook 8 Lines (1 book as a SAMPLE) *Sold in packs of 10 *More information
10. Notebook 10 Lines (1 book as a SAMPLE) *Sold in packs of 10 *More information
11. e-APRICOT only! A4 size Folders (10 sets/ for Kyogu Activity Sheets) ⇒To purchase
12. e-APRICOT only! Magnet Sheets(5 sets/ for Kyogu Activity Sheets) ⇒To purchase
13. e-APRICOT only! Learning World Clear Files (10 sheets) ⇒To purchase