- ▼ Coursebooks
- ▼ Textbooks
- ▼ Picture Books
- ▼ Big Books
- ▼ Songs & Chants
- ▼ Alphabet/Phonics
- ▼ Vocabulary/Grammar
- ▼ Software for Making Materials
- ▼ Readers
- ▼ Dictionaries
- ▼ Teaching Aids
- ▼ Puzzles
- ▼ DVDs
- ▼ Cards/Card Stock
- ▼ Lesson Plans
- ▼ Stickers & Stamps
- ▼ Classroom Items
- ▼ Books on English Education
- ▼ Japanese
- ▼ Babies/Toddlers/Preschool
- ▼ Application

All the materials you need to start teaching Learning World for Tomorrow. It includes ALL of the components, award stickers, listening stamp, etc.
Student’s Items:
1. Student Book
2. Student CD
3. WORKBOOK (w/attached audio CD for Eiken 4 listening practice)
Teacher’s Items:
4. Teacher’s Manual with Teacher’s CD
Classroom Items:
5. Listening Homework Stamp
An essential item for assigning listening homework in the Learning World Series.
6. Award Stickers
Gold Award Stickers (240 stickers)
Blue Award Stickers (240 stickers)
Award students for completing their listening homework!
7. Payment Envelopes (BROWN) (20 envelopes)
Easy to keep track of class payments!
8. Attendance Cards (10 sheets)
Keep track of attendance throughout the year!
9. KID’S ID PASS (14 name cards / 10 holders)
Name cards on a cord to go around students’ necks.
10. Mini Stickers (96 stickers × 4 colors)
Gold, Silver, Orange, and Green mini stickers.
11. Letter for Parents
A letter you can give to parents that explains the benefits of the syllabus.