

    READY for Learning World (2nd Edition) Student CD
    • CDs
    Product Code:10606

    Price 1,210JPY

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    READY for Learning World (2nd Edition) Student CD


2nd Edition includes additional:
・”Global Education page” audio
・”This is My Friend” song and karaoke
・”abcd Alphabet Song”
・drill for “The Vowel song/ Three-letter words”
・”Three-letter words” audio (Unit 10C)


“Opening Music”(track #1) has been changed to “abcd Alphabet Song”


*There is no change in the track numbers listed in each Unit. (No need to upgrade Teacher’s book to the 2nd edition.)
Please read
Learning World Series revision in 2021  for more details.


The Student CD that goes with READY for Learning World! It contains all 30 dialogues from the student book and the vocabulary songs.
Every student should have their own CD so they can listen to it for homework.
The Student CD track numbers are written in the Student Book!

â–  Author: Mikiko Nakamoto

  • 1 disc / 96 tracks
  • tracks include:
    Vocabulary songs / Dialogues / Chants / Words (said to a fun rhythm), phonics
What is the difference between the Student CD and the Class CD?
    ★There is some content that is ONLY available on the Class CD, meant for the teacher to use in class.
  • Student CD Contents:
    Vocabulary songs / Dialogues / Chants / Words / Phonics
  • Class CD Contents:
    Vocabulary songs / Dialogues / Chants / Words / Phonics
    Conversation from the “picture” page ★
    Audio for the speeches on the last page of the unit ★
    Listening Tests ★
Vocabulary Songs from READY

♪Color & Number song
♪Greeting song
♪Hello song
♪The Days of the Week
♪Action song
♪Feeling song
♪Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
♪Weather song
♪Family song
♪Twelve Months of the Year

See READY components

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