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Learning World 1 Teacher's Pack
ISBN: | 978-489991-4037 |
Product Code: | 10325 |
Price 14,300JPY
Set of the 4 teacher's items for Book 1
Learning World 1 Second Edition Teacher’s Items.
If you bought them individually, it would cost 17,000 yen. Buy this pack for 13,000 yen and save 4,000 yen!
If you bought them individually, it would cost 17,000 yen. Buy this pack for 13,000 yen and save 4,000 yen!
1. Teacher’s Manual CD-ROM (Bilingual)
2. Class CDs (Class Audio / 2 CDs)
3. Class Cards CD-ROM (Print Cards in any size you would like!)
4. Activity Sheets 90 (90 Activity Sheets / 10 Activities)
■ Comes in a transparent plastic case!
*For even more value, check out the Teacher’s Perfect Box, which includes: Student’s Items, Teacher’s Items, Classroom Materials, and Special Presents!