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The essence of a Learning World lesson:
- “Use” English in each lesson! Start with Communication Activities!
Children start each lesson with a Communication Activity, having fun while using English. - Fun and effective way to get good results!
Children can easily remember the target sentences through the chants. This allows you to spend less time on practicing the target language. - Share your own ideas with others. Share ideas together.
Think of your own ideas and make a presentation using language you’ve learned. Oral Presentation has three main goals: ・Become able to think of your own ideas. ・Express your ideas to others in a presentation. ・Learn to listen to and accept the ideas of others.
Designed to use one book for one year. There are 10 units per book. One lesson is a 2-page spread so it’s easy to see what you want to accomplish in each lesson. Each unit is 4 lessons (3 in the book, with the 4th lesson being review), so you can cover one unit in one month.
Lower elementary school students who have finished WELCOME YELLOW and/or BLUE.
■ Author: Mikiko Nakamoto
Size A4 / Full color / 72 pages / Attached Progress Sheets & Certificate of Completion
Left pages: chants, dialogues, poems, and words exercises.
Right pages: Communication Activities, self-expression, songs, listening tests, and phonics activities.
Learn daily expressions, animals, friends, numbers, times, family, other cultures, etc.
・ The present tense using the verbs “like”, “have”, “want”, “go”, and “live”.
・ “Be” verbs.
・ Making requests using “can” and “may”.
The textbook contains some writing, but there is more writing of words and simple sentences using ruled lines in the workbook.
★ Main characters: Jamie (7 years old), Jamie’s family, his friend Sara