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Picture Cards with audio CD to match WELCOME to Learning World BLUE!
Use the cards while singing the songs and chants in the Student Book.
Rounded corners, so no sharp edges!
- 174 Cards
- Front: Picture, Back: Word (no ruled lines)
- Card size: 15.2 cm x 22.6 cm (half of A4)
- with CD: words set to a rhythm with a great tempo♪
- Word list here
We listened to teachers requests… and made cards just for BLUE!
Until recently, teachers who were using WELCOME to Learning World BLUE used “PICTURE CARDS 240” which was a set of cards that combined words from YELLOW and BLUE. We heard many comments from teachers, including:
- I want a set of cards that is just for BLUE.
- Pictures on both sides make the cards difficult to use.
- I would like to hear the pronunciation of the words.
- I want cards with the words printed on them, too.
So, in response to all of the feedback, in 2012, we published “PICTURE CARDS BLUE”, a set of cards covering the vocabulary in BLUE, with an accompanying audio CD.
The new cards have the words printed on the back, so you can work on spelling as well. Many of the cards also have updated illustrations. Now, you can show the BLUE cards while singing the songs!