- â–¼ Coursebooks
- â–¼ Textbooks
- â–¼ Picture Books
- â–¼ Big Books
- â–¼ Songs & Chants
- â–¼ Alphabet/Phonics
- â–¼ Vocabulary/Grammar
- â–¼ Software for Making Materials
- â–¼ Readers
- â–¼ Dictionaries
- â–¼ Teaching Aids
- â–¼ Puzzles
- â–¼ DVDs
- â–¼ Cards/Card Stock
- â–¼ Lesson Plans
- â–¼ Stickers & Stamps
- â–¼ Classroom Items
- â–¼ Books on English Education
- â–¼ Japanese
- â–¼ Babies/Toddlers/Preschool
- â–¼ Application
This workbook teaches and reinforces language in WELCOME to Learning World YELLOW. It covers the following topics: self-introduction, numbers, family, colors, body parts, alphabet, animals, food, and fruits. Students are not expected to be able to write in English. Instead, students draw and color pictures as they like and then introduce them to the class. They may do some sight reading to color in certain colors, connect items with lines, find items in a picture, etc. The activities are designed to get students to “learn language through self expression”. Kids will not get bored with the activities towards the end of the workbook, but want to keep doing more!
â– Author: Mikiko Nakamoto
- Size: A4 / Black & white / 32 Pages
At the end of the book, there are special pages with Number Bingo, Alphabet Bingo (both upper & lower case), and Action Bingo.