READY for Learning World Textbook (3rd) Launched on February 20, 2025


With Audio QR code
Workbooks remain unchanged
(2nd / 3rd common)


Current Edition (2nd Ed.)      Student Book with QR code(3rd Ed.)
Click to enlarge”

Textbook with QR code has a yellow badge on the lower left
Mark with QR” in the lower left corner of the front cover
ISBN:978-4-89991-427-3 ISBN:978-4-89991-727-4
List price: 1,700 yen
1,870 yen (tax included)
Audio is available on CD or app (fee required)
List price: 2,100 yen
2,310 yen (tax included)
*No CD to hand out to students, as it comes with audio QR


Teachers’ items do not need to be replaced.

【What is READY with QR?】

1 Word reading becomes rhythmic reading.

Audio samples are here bag, cap, pants,….

2 Audio of chants for each unit C: only with lyrics → with lyrics + rhythm.

Click here for audio sample This is Canada…..

3 More vocabulary song word reading tracks

Click here for audio sample
Unit 1 Colors
Unit 2 Greetings
Unit 3 Hello Song(Flags)
Unit 3 Days of the Week



2nd Edition is recommended in the following cases
★If you currently have 2nd Edition in stock.
★When you want to listen to the English language homework on CD every week.

The instructional manuals are not switched from the 1st Edition so that you do not need to repurchase them.
Please download and use the above audio (mp3) together with the Teacher’s CD that comes with the instructional manual.
The above audio files were added when the 1st to 2nd and 2nd to 3rd editions were revised.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Please elaborate on the changes in the audio.

A:1.Increased audio for students to listen to.
In the 2nd Edition, the student CD goes up to track 96; the 3rd Edition has tracks up to 127; 97-127 is the increased audio. There are no changes in vocabulary or chant lyrics.
#97-106 Vocabulary song word readings (2nd Edition songs only).
#107-116 Chants karaoke only track for each unit scene C.
#117 p.65 Let’s Read audio.
#118-127 Listening Test audio + audio from p. 19 Let’s Hunt. The audio on the Teacher’s CD is now also available on the app.

2.Word reading became rhythmic reading.

3.After the chants, rhythm-only music was added.
Q: If 2nd and 3rd are mixed in one class, what is missing for the children using 2nd?
A:  The audio you will hear for homework is easier to listen to in the 3rd, but there is no difference in the English printed in the text, and the audio CD number itself has not changed, so there is no major missing content.
Notes for 2nd children:
1. audio tracks 97-127 are not audible (vocabulary song word readings, chants karaoke track, etc.)
2. the audio in the Words section is “reading only” (3rd is rhythm reading)
3. audio of chants is “with lyrics only” (3rd is with lyrics + rhythm)
4. p.65 End of the book: Let’s Read! Please use this page → ・p.65 end of vol.:Let’s Read! 
♪a sad bag in a bag…
Q: Many families want to use CDs instead of QR. do you have any CDs?
A: Option 1: Use 2nd Edition for 2025; 2nd Edition will be available while supplies last; 2nd Edition will be available for 2025; 2nd Edition will be available for 2025; 2nd Edition will be available for 2025; 2nd Edition will be available for 2025; 2nd Edition will be available for 2025; 2nd Edition will be available for 2025.
Option 2: Use the text in 3rd Edition and use the 2nd Edition CD. The text has audio numbers up to 127, but you can listen to 96 on the CD.
The basic dialogues, vocabulary in the Words section, and chants can be listened to on the CD, so there is no need to worry about homework,
Vocabulary in the Words section: 2nd is “reading”, 3rd is “rhythm reading”.
Audio of chants: “lyrics only” for 2nd, “lyrics + rhythm” for 3rd; QR-attached text allows you to practice karaoke.
Please use the missing audio of p.65 (track 117) here → ・p.65 End of the book: Let’s Read!
 ♪a sad bag in a bag…

READY for Learning World  (3rd Edition)(product) line-up
Product Code Product Name ISBN code List Price tax-included price
NEW 10660  Student Book with QR code(3rd Ed.)
(with audio QR code)
978-4-89991-727-4 2,100 2,310
No changes 10641 WORKBOOK 978-4-89991-664-2 1,150 1,265
No changes READY  Teacher’s Pack 978-4-89991-490-7 12,500 13,750
No changes READY Teacher’s Manual with CD 978-4-905737-57-5 5,000 5,500
No changes Teacher’s CD 978-4-89991-088-6 2,000 2,200
No changes READY KYOGU+ Dialogue Cards 978-4-89991-909-4 5,000 5,500
No changes Vocabulary cards CD-ROM with 10 posters 978-4-89991-491-4 5,000 5,500

For 2025, we will sell the 2nd Edition in parallel, while supplies last; we also have a stock of student CDs for the 2nd Edition.

Product Code Product Name ISBN code List Price tax-included price
Sale in parallel in 2025 2nd Edition Student Book 978-4-89991-427-3 1,700 1,870
2nd Edition Student CD 978-4-89991-428-0 1,100 1,210


READY for Learning World is being reorganized from 1st Edition to 2nd Edition in 2021.
There will be no change in the paper when switching from 2nd Edition to 3rd Edtion.
Click here to see the changes from 1st to 2nd (changes in 2021)

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