Learning World Achievement Targets
The Learning World series has Achievement Targets (can-do lists) at the beginning of each volume, with bulleted tasks printed in bilingual format on the opening page of the text. See how to use it.
■WELCOME to Learning World PINK 8 tasks

*There will be no changes to PINK’s Achievement Targets as a result of the 2021 revision.
Click here for the change details.
Click here to download PINK Achievement Targets
(PDF 1sheet)
■WELCOME to Learning World YELLOW *Revised to 14 tasks.
Click here to download YELLOW Achievement Targets(PDF 1 sheet)
*Achievement Target tasks have been changed from 13 to 14 from spring 2022.
Click here to see the change details.
■WELCOME to Learning World BLUE 14 tasks

Click here to download BLUE Achievement Targets(PDF1 sheet)
■Learning World 1 18tasks *Revised in 2022

*Achievement Target tasks have been changed from 16 to 18 from spring 2022.
Click here for the changes in detail.
Click here to download Book1 Achievement Targets (PDF1sheet)
■READY for Learning World 16tasks(Revised in 2021)

*From 2021, the Achievement Target tasks have been increased to raise the achievement level.
Click here for the changes in detail.
Click here to download READY Achievement Targets
■Learning World 2 17 tasks (Revised in 2021)
*Achievement Target tasks have been increased from spring 2021, raising the achievement level.
Click here to see the change details.
Click here to download Book2 Achievement Targets(PDF1sheet)
■Learning World 3 17 tasks(Revised in 2021)
*Achievement Target tasks have been increased from spring 2021, raising the achievement level.
Click here to see the change details.
Click here to download Book3 Achievement Targets ダ(PDF1sheet)
■Learning World 4 BRIDGE 24 tasks

Click here to download BRIDGE Achievement Targets (PDF1sheet)
■Learning World 5 TOMORROW 16tasks

Click here to download TOMORROW Achievement Targets (PDF1sheet)
Achievement Targets is a comprehensive review of one text book.
The first page of the Learning World text, Achievement Targets, aims to help children identify their own learning achievements as well as those of their teachers and parents. It helps them take responsibility for their own learning and gives them a sense of achievement and the ‘true joy of learning’.
Depending on class size, the tasks on this page will take three to four weeks at the end of the school year.

▲For Learning World1
Learning World 1 consists of 18 tasks in three categories: ‘Say something about yourself’, ‘Grasp the text’ and ‘Get interested in the written word’.
First, read out the 18 tasks on the Achievement Target and make sure they understand what they are supposed to do.
Children are instructed to present the tasks in the order in which they can do them and to say 10 chants for numbers 13, 14, and 15.
・Say 10 chants.
・Can sing three songs
・Say six dialogues
They are encouraged to listen to audio recordings at home to help them achieve their goals.>>How to set up Homework
Spend three or four weeks at the end of the year teaching the whole class to do all the Achievement Targets at the end of the year’s text study.
Once all Achievement Targets have been achieved, the certificate at the end of the text is signed by the teacher and handed in, and the student moves on to the next text.
From 2021 onwards, many schools achieve 100% of these tasks, rather than 70% and 80%.
Please take a month at the end of the school year to complete (and stick to) all the assignments and move on to the next text.