Learning World Information Text with audio QR to be published (updated March 2025)

READY for Learnig World QR付 Student Book (3rd Edition)

Release on Thursday, Feb 20th, 2025
No Student CD
72 pages (same as 2nd Edition)
Click here for details
Price: 2,100 yen (2,310 yen including tax)

Learning World 4 BRIDGE QR付 Student Book (2nd Edition)

Schedule to be released: Friday, April 4th, 2025
No Student CD
80 pages (same as 1st Edition)
Price: 2,100 yen (2,310 yen including tax)

There will be no changes or additions to the pages.
If you plan to purchase BRIDGE in March, please use the current edition for this year.
There are no changes to the WORKBOOK or Teacher’s Items.


Learning World Information Text with audio QR to be published (updated March 2024)

The Learning World series is in the process of switching to text with audio QR from 2022.

In spring 2024, Book 2 (3rd Edition) will be available on Monday March 4th.
Book 3 (3rd Edition)Orders will be taken on Thursday April. 4th.


▼The following texts are not scheduled for revision in 2024.

*YELLOWBook1 Textbooks with QR are now on sale!

▼This year (2024), the text will include an audio QR code. The price will be revised.

Book2 3rd Edition Book3 3rd Edition CHANTS for Grammar
No Student CD No Student CD  No compliant CD
80 pages with QR
more details
80 pages with QR
more details
With QR (no change in number of pages)
Listed price: 2,100 yen
2,310 yen including tax
400 yen more than 2nd in the listed price
Listed price: 2,100 yen
2,310 yen including tax
400 yen more than 2nd in the listed price
Listed price: 2,200 yen
2,420 yen including tax
200 yen more in the listed price
978-489991-673-4 978-489991-674-1 978-489991-675-8


・The CHANTS for Grammar text with QR code will no longer have a compliant CD attached.

※There is no need to repurchase instructional items for all three books. The Teacher’s Pack instructional items currently available can continue to be used to teach the text with audio QR.

※There will be no reorganization of the workbooks in Book2, Book3.
It can be used with either the 2nd/ 3rd edition of the text.


【Guidance Manual” summarizing the revisions】(4 pages each)

Book2                       Book 3


*Click PDF images  4 sheets    *Click PDF images 4 sheets


The following texts were revised by the spring of 2023

◆Published in 2022

WELCOME to Learning World YELLOW/ Learning World Book1
More pages at the end of the book to make it easier to understand the instruction (from Spring 2022).


◆Published in 2021: Achievement Targets at the beginning of each volume (try hard to be able to do this much) have been raised to the bottom & some changes made.
Click on the book title for details.

Apologies again for publishing FUTURE
Although there has been a long wait for the publication of Learning World for the Future, we have decided to temporarily suspend the publication of the book after careful consideration of various circumstances.
We sincerely apologize to those professors who have been looking forward to its publication.
We will inform you when the publication will be made available in the future.
In the meantime, we would appreciate it if you could give us some time on a yearly basis.


【Text with QR Frequently Asked Questions】

・If I am using Learning World for the first time this year, should I use the current or the new version?
If you are new to Learning World, we recommend the current edition (2nd) rather than the new version.


・Which text is now with QR?
WELCOME YELLOWBook1READYBook2Book3  -with audio QR
Book 4 BRIDGE -To be transferred to QR from 4/4.
WELCOME PINK/BLUEBook 5 TOMORROW-Possible transition to QR from the next year onwards.

・Since my siblings are using LW and my older son has the CD and I want to use it as is, I would like the older version, how long will it be available?
We have plenty of old editions in stock.
Older editions are also available for students joining during the current school year.


・We would like to know the total amount for each of the old and new editions, as we would like to standardize the cost of teaching materials for each class.

<Click to enlarge>
Click here for print out


・What should I do if the old and new versions of a text are mixed in a class?
We do not recommend mixing old and new textbooks within the same class.
If you currently have a stock of the old edition in your classroom, we recommend that you use the old edition this year.


・As a parent, I would appreciate a CD for students, but how long can I purchase the old (no QR) version of the textbook?
We will sell as long as we have enough stock. We have enough stock for this year. Please do not worry.


・Will the instructional content change in the new editions(Book2, Book3)?
The content of instruction will not change significantly. The goal is for students to be able to “use” the English they have learned, and we have not significantly increased the content of the lessons.
For Book 2, considering the introduction of English in public elementary schools, we have added about 10 words (shapes such as diamonds, hearts, etc. / stationery and everyday objects such as water bottles, snacks, etc.) as vocabulary useful for self-expression activities.

Additional card images to be added in the new edition will be made available for free download on APRICOT-Online.


・Is it safe to assume that the WORKBOOK is common to 2nd and 3rd?
Yes, you can use either the 2nd/3rd edition of the text.


・I don’t have an audio player; can I listen to it in any way other than on CD, even if it’s not text with QR?
Please use the old version of the text and the 500 yen app. You can choose the audio of the old edition from both the CD and the app.
Click here for a paid application information sheet for each LW volume.

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