◆1-a During the Day 日中のこと
Word Count: 32
The man is sleeping. The man is running. The man is washing. The man is eating….1日の出来事を見開きごとに紹介。
◆1-b The Pesky Fly わんぱくなハエくん
Word Count: 35
I am on the ham. I am on the jam. I am on the bread….
◆1-c At the Supermarket スーパーでお買い物
Word Count: 32
We get the milk. We get the butter. We get the meat. …
bread, jam, bananas, carrotsを買って、最後はレジへ!
◆1-d Where is Sam? サムがいない
Word Count: 40
Is Sam on the cat? No! Is Sam on the bird? No! Is Sam on the lion? No!…
◆1-e The Rescue 水浸しレスキュー
Word Count: 35
Mouse jumps in the boat., Cat jumps in the boat. イヌ、ライオン、キリン、サルが次々にボートへ。最後にゾウがボートへジャンプしたらボートは・・・?
◆1-f Hair 髪の毛いろいろ
Word Count: 28
He has black hair. He has white hair. He has long hair.…様々な髪形が出てきます。
◆1-g Who is Asleep? 動物のお昼寝
Word Count: 32
The crocodile is asleep. The kangaroo is asleep…. koala, dingo, snake, bird, camel, lizardと、動物の眠っている姿を写真で紹介。
◆1-h The Kangaroo School カンガルーの学校
Word Count: 28
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